Title: Backseat Ethics Author: Flynn Date: February 28, 2002 Rating: R/NC-17. Yep, it's one of those. Class: MSR Keywords: Mulder/Scully E-mail: flyn121@yahoo.com Website: www.geocities.com/cratkinsonflynn/ Category: PWP. VERY PWP. Archiving: Feel free, just tell me about it first. Spoilers: NOT ONE! Feedback: Nourishes the soul and is good karma. Disclaimer: Not mine. Too bad, so sad. What money I have, I earned. Summary: Cotton candy for the mind. No violence, no guns drawn - just all the things I'd want to do if it were ME in that car. ****Scribbler's note: This is an angst-free zone.**** Thanks to Christine, my sister-in-smut. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backseat Ethics Pt. 1 By Flynn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He was whistling. Scully restrained an impatient sigh as she stared out at the dusty road. Don't look at him. It'll only encourage him. He's probably just doing it to get to you. Don't look at him. Just don't look at him. Normally she didn't mind it when he did things like whistle. He wasn't completely tone-deaf. Sometimes he sounded half-way decent. Hell, sometimes she even joined in. But now? Right now her nerves were stretched thin. It just didn't matter how he sounded. The case had been difficult from the very beginning. Not difficult in the conventional sense, with monsters or mutants, or shadow figures hamstringing them at every turn. Nothing so exotic - it was simply that nothing had gone right from the moment they'd landed at that pitiful airstrip two days ago. And she was tired, dammit. Landed. That was something of an overstatement. Controlled crash was probably more accurate. And the "airstrip" hadn't been much more than a rutted dirt road cut through the rolling hills of the Alabama countryside. The pilot had done the best he could. After all, *his* life was on the line, too. She couldn't blame him for the potholes. And then there was the car. The only thing available from the rental agency was a Celica. An '86. And a hatchback. "Cozy," Mulder muttered as he pried himself into it. The driver's seat, they immediately discovered, would not go back enough to comfortably accommodate his legs. The rear-view mirror was cracked in two places. The radio was missing altogether. The heater, on the other hand, worked just fine. A warm stream of air bathed their feet and faces not two minutes after he turned the engine over. If only it wasn't the middle of May, and 85 degrees in the shade. And the case.... At least no one had gotten hurt, that was the important part. Well, except for Mulder's pants. The initial brief had crossed his desk a week ago. A ten-year-old girl reported hearing voices coming out of the family television. Nothing unusual there, except that she could only hear it when the volume was turned all the way down. Spectral impressions, Mulder had immediately hypothesized. Disembodied voices which for some reason were frequently only witnessed by pre-pubescent girls, in this case one Bessie Edgar, daughter of Roger and Myrna of Muleshead, Alabama. The gentleman farmer and his family raised sweet potatoes and the usual sundry farm animals in the northern end of a very picturesque valley, many miles from the nearest city. It had taken the agents more than two hours to reach the homestead. Two hours of more rutted roads and choking dust. And the heater, of course, the on-off switch having broken off under Mulder's incautious proddings twenty minutes into the drive. They'd arrived to find the Edgars were not at home. More than a little frustrated, they parked in a meager puddle of shade provided by a handful of gaunt-looking trees, and waited. And waited. An hour of sweating and fuming, and Scully reminding Mulder how illegal it would be to break into the farmhouse even if it was just for a quick look around. At last, fed up with the heat and her sulking partner, she left one of her business cards, along with a brief note, lodged in a hole in the screen door, and they drove back the way they'd come. The motel was something out of a dream. A really bad dream. Honeymooners' Lodge, the weary-looking roadside placard announced in sun-faded letters. Lodge indeed, Scully thought with an inward snort - a ramshackle row of cabins set so close together that she would have had trouble sidling down the lanes between them. Not that she had the slightest intention of attempting such a maneuver. God only knew what sort of vermin had taken up residence within those narrow alleyways. There were two vacancies, the manager happily informed them. They were almost side by side, too, with just the one unit between them. What the man didn't tell them was that the occupants of that one unit really did seem to be on their honeymoon. Scully first heard the noises an hour after settling in for the night. Moaning. Muffled thumpings. Half-shouted supplications. The sounds continued, rising and falling like an unpleasant wind until well after midnight, when things finally hit the inevitable high note. After that, all was silent for three blissful hours. Then they started up again. Listening to people having sex could in no way compete with actually participating in the act herself, that was for damn sure. Not that she could really find fault with them, especially since she'd been doing much the same thing a mere six days ago. Her encounter, however, had taken place in her bedroom, not in some miserable dive in the middle of nowhere, and the voice doing most of the shouting had been that of her energetic and very capable partner. It did not include the labored falsetto of someone named Bud, or some breathy bimbo pleading do it again, baby, do it again. Three hours of sleep. In the morning, the circles under her eyes were perfect counterpoints to those beneath Mulder's. The good news was that, eventually, they did meet up with the Edgars. The family television was kept not in the house, as they'd assumed, but in a corner of the barn. A sort of media center had been set up there in an unused stall - the TV, an antiquated VCR, a boombox, and a couple of beanbag chairs that looked for all the world like giant, multi-colored versions of the cowpies Scully had skirted on the way across the barnyard. It didn't take her long to solve the mystery. The rabbit-eared antenna was beyond old. It had been jerry-rigged - or rather, "engineered" by Grampa Edgaar some years before, when Gramma said she wanted to see the presidential debates between the nice boy from Georgia and that idiot actor from out west. The ancient assembly was evidently drawing off more than the local power supply - just how and from where, Scully could only speculate, although the theory Mulder threw out about random electrical surges periodically killing cattle in neighboring valleys couldn't be completely discounted. Somehow the whole assembly not only afforded the Edgars decent reception of some dozen channels, it also managed to pick up the transmissions from various radio stations and even a few garbled phrases from the army base five hundred miles away. And why was Bessie the only one who could hear the weird, other-worldly transmissions? Well, again Scully couldn't say for sure, though the fact that the ten-year-old was the only person on the farm who didn't regularly dip into the family still probably had something to do with it. Case solved. The only casualty was her partner's pride. And his pants, falling victim to a stray nail protruding from a board just inside the barn doorway. The gash was sizeable, seven or eight inches long, just at knee level. Scully examined the damage and proclaimed the garment a total loss. Not even Mulder, with his flair for the unconventional, could get away with wearing tattered wool gabardine cut-offs. So they were on their way back to the motel to pack and get the hell out of Dodge. Finally. The heater still rumbled endlessly on. The windows, which they'd had to roll down in the interest of self-preservation, let in swirls of dust and the occasional unwelcome insect along with air cool enough to breathe. Disgruntled about the case, to say nothing of his pants, Mulder had asked Scully to drive. More accurately, he'd handed her the smiley-face keyring that came with the car and mumbled something about wanting to start his report. After half an hour of teeth-rattling potholes, he gave up on writing anything and, with an irritable sigh, tossed his notepad on the seat behind him. Then the whistling started. Soft, almost tuneless sounds, breathy whispers and snatches of phrases she couldn't quite catch. At first she simply tuned him out and let her mind wander. That became impossible, however, when something outside her window captured his attention. He caught an arm around the back of her seat and leaned over practically in front of her. She glimpsed the flash of his smile from the corner of her eye. "Hey, look. Two horses doin' the nasty." Her gaze didn't waver from the dirt track stretching out ahead of them. "That's nice, Mulder." He shifted a little beside her. His arm remained where it was, affording her a good whiff of deodorant and warm, wet underarm. And cologne .... she didn't know which one. Jesus, he smelled good. He looked good, too, despite his torn pants and rumpled, sweaty shirt. Too good for a second-hand Celica. Too good for the Honeymooners' Lodge and the rutting newlyweds they had for neighbors. Too bad there wasn't anything she could do just at the moment to express her appreciation. He grunted as he splayed his legs awkwardly, trying without success to stretch them. The large rend in the material over his left knee fairly begged for her attention, and she found her gaze falling repeatedly on the expanse of skin and dark, masculine hair. His kneecap peeked out at her coyly. He leaned closer, and this time she couldn't help but look at him. He was gazing past her out the window again. And whistling. Well, his lips were pursed, at any rate. She assumed he was whistling, but the truth was she couldn't actually hear very much over the sound of her throbbing heartbeat. Dammit, why did he have to mention those horses? He was so close, she could practically taste him. Mmm, that was a nice thought. Just what *would* he taste like? Salty and sweet all at once, like toffee popcorn only *so* much better. It had been almost a full week without .... without .... well, anything, and now all she had to look forward to was another night of Bud and Doris rattling the windows. It just wasn't fair. A motion caught her eyes. Dammit, he was licking his lips. She bit back a sigh. Oh, those lips. Even when she didn't look at him they were right there in her mind, tempting her. Lush. So soft and full when she kissed him. When *he* kissed *her*. Her face. Her throat. That soft patch over her breastbone, or the curve of her hip .... Damn. She shifted uncomfortably in her bucket seat as the pulse heretofore in her head took up residence in a different place altogether, one significantly lower. It might not be fair, she told herself firmly, but that's just the way things are. Concentrate, Dana. Driving is serious business. Where the hell had such sexual thoughts come from, anyway? Oh, and how they looked when he smiled. Curved. Taut. That little dip in his bottom lip. He was beautiful when he smiled. Truly beautiful. When he treated her to an honest-to-God smile, the kind that parenthesized his mouth with laugh lines and took ten years off his age, she swore she could see his soul shining in those quirky, winsome eyes. And how they would light up at .... .... at just *that* moment, when he was in full cry, his heart crashing in tandem with hers, his body taut and quivering .... .... his eyes would flash and spark like gunpowder, igniting .... .... then he'd go so still, with just a jerk of his hips now and again .... and he'd smile. "Hey, Scully ...." She gave a little start. His face was mere inches from hers, his nose so close that she could feel his breath on her cheek. She shot him a fast look. Was she blushing? Could he possibly guess what she was thinking about? Pink cheeks didn't necessarily mean a blush, right? After all, she was hot. With the damn heater going, the car was nothing short of miserable. She struggled to wrestle her thoughts under control. "What? What is it, Mulder?" She could practically feel his eyes caressing her face. When he finally spoke, his tone was low and silky. "You know that ground rule you have about fooling around?" Her breath caught. Shit, how did he do it? Was it just a lucky guess, or was he really telepathic and had just never gotten around to letting her know about it? Damn those horses anyway for planting the thought in their heads. She felt her face flame even hotter. The ground rule. No sex while on a case. Their love life should not intrude on their work and vice versa. Should the need ever arise, they could both honestly swear that they did not co-mingle while working. Co-mingle. Fraternize. Do the wild thing. She swallowed hard, then nodded. "Yeah, what about it?" Dammit, was that his hand? It *was*, and those were definitely his fingers sifting through her hair, combing and then lifting it off her neck. Mmm, that felt good. "Well .... we aren't technically on the clock now. I mean, the investigation's pretty much over. We just have our notes to compile and the report to write up. And a flight to book, though I seriously doubt we'll be able to get anything until tomorrow morning at the earliest." She didn't spare him another look, but kept her eyes glued to the strip of dusty road just beyond the Celica's dented hood. "So? What are you getting at?" Another gentle stroke of that hand, this time down the side of her neck. If he felt her react, he gave no sign. "Well, I was thinking .... We're a long way from .... well, *anywhere* out here. This is our fourth trip down this hideous goat path, and we've yet to see another car ...." The fingers played wickedly around her ear, and she shivered despite the hot air blowing around them. "C'mon, Scully. It's a closed case. So we're not back in DC yet. Don't penalize me on account of our geography." She affected an amused smirk. "So, what - you're saying we should do like Bud and Martha when we get to the motel and give in to our baser impulses? Make the beast with two backs? Maybe give them a run for their money in the moan-and-groan department?" Shit, now it was his mouth touching her, sliding slowly up and down the side of her face. Damn the horses, and damn the small car, too. She gripped the wheel so hard, her knuckles were turning white. "Mmm, lemme think about that a minute," he murmured between nuzzles. "No, that would be too much like fooling around on the government dime. Besides, driving all the way back would take too long. I think we should pull over somewhere out here." Laugh, her brain ordered. Laugh, dammit. Show him how amused you are. Show him you aren't thinking about the same thing yourself, that you haven't been thinking about screwing him senseless for the past ten minutes. She managed a patient sigh. "Yeah, right - I can see us now, hiding in the bushes and making out like teenagers. In the smallest car I've personally ever been in, no less." "Mmm, now you're talking," he whispered, tugging gently at her collar and exposing the tender skin where neck met shoulder. The spot he called his, the one that was somehow wired straight to her nipples, which were already drawing up hard and tight like two much larger than average goosebumps. She ducked her head to the side, shielding that spot before he could really go to work on it. Thwarted, he groaned a protest and pressed his damp forehead to her temple. "Sculleee, don't make me go back and listen to the Chuck and Martha sex show again. Have a heart." She bit back a smile. "It's the Bud and Doris sex show. Get it right." His voice was a soft, warm purr. "So you *were* listening." She shrugged him away. He caught her hand and raised it to his mouth for a tender kiss, then guided it to his lap. Serious wood. Not surprising, really. After all, he was enjoying their burgeoning sex life at *least* as much as she was. The antics of their raunchy neighbors must have taken a heavy toll on him. Still, there was a time and a place, and this was neither. She pulled away again and gave him a testy look. "For God's sake, Mulder, get a grip." His groan was heartfelt. "I'm trying," he breathed, leaning close again. His lips, warm and soft and perfect, glided around her face, nuzzling eyebrow, temple, ear. "Just can't stop thinking about our friends Chuck and -" "*Bud and Doris.*" He snorted softly. "George and Gracie .... Fred and Ethel .... I don't care about anyone but *you* and *me*. Right here, right now." His tongue danced briefly with her earlobe, and she felt gooseflesh coalesce on every square centimeter of her body. He smiled in delight. "C'mon, Scully. It'll be fun, I promise." She tried to push him away, but it was like fighting the wind. "Get real, Mulder. It's broad daylight. What if someone comes along? You know, it's no skin off your nose - all you have to do is unzip, but it's *my* ass that'll be hanging out. I just don't -" "Put my shirt on," he whispered, kissing the round ball of her shoulder. "It's long enough, it'll cover anything worth hiding." She tried not to smile. He had an answer for everything, didn't he? She felt her resolve begin to buckle. "And just where would you have us perform our little contortion act? I don't think the car was designed with those legs in mind." "Back seat." His words came in a rush as his breathing picked up speed. Clearly he was construing her comments as capitulation; as interest - perhaps even imminent compliance. He nuzzled her again, working on his tie with one hand as he gestured vaguely out the front with the other. "Up about a hundred yards. I think it's a utility road. We can pull out of sight there." She squinted through the scratched and dirty windshield. "How the hell can you tell that?" He snorted softly. "This *is* the fourth time we've driven this road, right? Twice there, twice back? Photographic memory and all that jazz?" The tie went sailing into the back seat. "It'll be cooler, too, without the damned heater blowing on us." His sunglasses joined his tie. A delicious warmth fluttered low in her belly as he started in on his buttons. He was really serious about this. She knew she should be the logical one. She knew she should point out all the reasons they shouldn't do this .... but just at the moment she didn't want to be practical. Not now. Not when he was so close and smelled so damned good. What he wanted to do .... it was spontaneous. It was risky. It might even be a little dangerous, in a strictly non-lethal sense. At the very least it could be embarrassing. It was also a chance they weren't likely to have again anytime in the near future. Or distant future, for that matter. She thought of the cases piling up in the basement. Where would they be in a week? Boston? Albuquerque? St. Paul? When would they have a chance like this again? They were almost to the utility road. Quickly, before she could find a way to talk herself out of it, she yanked the wheel hard to the right, spinning gravel and blowing dust as she negotiated the turn. At least the terrain was working in their favor; unless someone deliberately turned off where they had, the Celica would be hidden from casual view. Besides, given the condition Mulder was in, time probably wasn't going to be much of an issue. He was on the move, shouldering his door open and swinging a leg out even as they lurched to a stop. He shrugged his shirt off as he rounded the car and yanked her door open. "This side," he said, his voice hoarse. "Your legs are shorter - we won't have to move the seat." She swatted his hands away when he reached for her collar button. "I don't believe we're doing this," she muttered as she wriggled out of her shirt. "I don't believe we're still talking about it." He had to bend almost in half in order to fit into the back seat. His own slacks landed in a wad around his ankles. He looked at her, his eyes alive with energy and more than a little lust. His erection reared up proudly against his bare belly, seeking and impatient. His smile was brazen. "See? Your ass is bare - so's mine." Hands shaking, she slipped her arms into the sleeves of his dress shirt and let her slacks fall. No time for folding; she tossed them onto the passenger seat. "Ready?" she whispered. He was already reaching for her. "Jesus, I've been ready since the seventh inning stretch last night. C'mere." She settled carefully in his lap, and he let out a soft moan of appreciation. It took a moment to figure out logistics. His legs, held wide to support her. Hers, folded under her until she was sitting on her heels. Her knees gripped his hips snugly. The car's interior was still hot, but with the damndable heater turned off, the afternoon breeze was already finding its way in through the open windows. Besides, with his bare, sweat-slicked chest pressed against hers, heat was a good thing. A very good thing. Okay, so speed evidently wasn't as high on his list of priorities as she thought it would be. Using one hand - the other was clamped possessively on the back of her neck as he thoroughly reacquainted his mouth with hers - he deftly teased her bra aside and caressed her nipple with his thumb. She could feel him straining against her belly, his hot, hard penis trapped in the well between their bodies, and the ache in her pelvis abruptly increased ten-fold. "Hurry," she breathed, pushing herself up on unsteady legs and reaching between them. Pulse crashing insanely, she slid the smooth, probing head up and back, up and back through her slick wetness. Jesus, she was so, so ready .... He gasped as she slowly impaled herself. "Oh .... oh ...." His eyes narrowed a little as he locked gazes with her, a smile playing around his mouth as his breath left him in a long, low groan. She found his mouth with hers again. Deep, wet kisses. Tongues swirled and danced. Jesus, he *did* taste good. She molded herself to him with an arm around his neck. Tight and close, their chests and bellies and hips. Slow-motion rocking and grinding would have to do - the close quarters allowed no room for his customary long-limbed plunges. She slid forward and back, her movements controlled and deliberate as she changed angles, reading his needs in his expression, in the soft sounds that he made. "Good .... good ...." he breathed. He grimaced as his hands bracketed her hips, gripping and caressing by turn. "Jeez, Scully, I can feel your heartbeat .... when you do that .... I can feel it down in my .... in my ...." She dusted his face with soft, light kisses. "I can feel yours, too." He groaned low in his chest, and she redoubled her efforts. Harder. Faster. The hair teasing her nipples was at once delicious and maddening. Without conscious direction her hand slipped downward, tunneling through his coarse hair and finding the nub hidden in hers. Pleasure immediately drew her body taut, and within seconds she was beyond controlling anything. Not her breathing, not her spiraling thoughts .... not the tempo of her hand or her hips, swaying and rolling harder and harder against his .... Her head fell back, and she gasped as her mind exploded in a blaze of colors. Ecstasy. Rapture. Hot, liquid insanity. Arms tightened around her waist, squeezing her, pressing her down. His hips undulated and then began to hammer in short, savage strokes. She heard herself moan softly. He grunted once, twice, three times, and each time she felt him shudder and pulse deep inside her. A groan escaped him with the last spasm. Reality slowly coalesced around her. She leaned her forehead against his shoulder as her body went limp. "Mmm," he murmured, and his head slowly fell back against the cracked, faded backrest. She was hot and wet, and infinitely content. Blissfully drowsy. It was tempting, so damn tempting, to give in to the sweet pangs of sleep that were already stealing through her. The breeze played over their sweaty bodies, cooling them. Just a few minutes, she promised herself. We'll get up and move on like this whole thing never happened .... just need a few minutes to regroup, to rest .... *Now*, the practical, irritating voice in her head demanded. She sighed her disappointment and lifted her head from its resting place on his shoulder. "Come on," she murmured. He didn't move, just sat there with his own head thrown back. Beads of sweat were slowly trickling down his temples and into his hair. His eyes were closed. He might have been asleep were it not for the grip he still had on her. She kissed him lightly on the mouth. "Come on, Mulder. Wake up. We have to get moving before someone happens by and sees us like this." His eyes abruptly snapped open, wide and staring. As she watched, a smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. "Get dressed," he whispered. "I have an idea." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Check-out's at noon. There's a compliment'ry breakfast in the dining room 'til eleven. Your room has a coffee maker, and I put y'all right around the corner from the soda machines." The clerk's nametag identified her as Mitsi. Her drawl was so pronounced that Scully actually had trouble making out some of her words. She was young, blond, and clearly proud of her carefully made-up beauty. And if the tramp didn't quit eyeballing her partner, Scully was going to go to work on that beauty with her nails. Mulder signed the registration card with a scrawl and stabbed the pen back in its cradle. "You hear that, honey? Coffee, soda, and free breakfast, all yours for the asking." Smiling, Mitsi turned away to process his credit card. Standing close beside him, Scully sighed and eased her weight from one foot to the other. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this," she whispered. He grinned impishly as he squeezed her hand. "I can't believe you're still complaining about it." She started to pull away, but he laced his fingers with hers and pulled her close. She didn't fight him. "I'm not complaining, Mulder, I'm just concerned. How are we going to explain this to Skinner? There's going to be a discrepancy in the expense report. What if he ...." "We won't submit this receipt. He probably won't even notice." She snorted her disbelief. "What are the chances of *that* happening? When has Skinner ever *not* noticed something we've done?" He shrugged, unfazed. "I'm not too worried. Something tells me he knows when to look the other way. Besides, how many times have we been stuck with some damn out-of-pocket expense because the bureaucracy couldn't get its head out of its ass? How many times have we had to spend our own money to replace wrecked clothes because *damage from substance of unknown origin* didn't compute with the idiots in Accounting? Anyway, I'm the one funding this little holiday. It isn't as if anyone's gonna get stiffed here. Well, except maybe for you." Smiling, he gently kissed her forehead. Despite her qualms, she sighed and leaned into his touch. Mmm, nice. When he drew back, she almost protested the loss. "And if he does ask, we'll tell him .... we were doing research. Or the airplane was delayed by bad weather. You think he's gonna check out the Weather channel?" He tipped her head back and brushed his lips across hers. "Forget about rules, Scully. We'll be back in DC tomorrow." His voice dropped, became softer and deeper. "Until then I promise you, you'll have my undivided attention. I expect nothing less in return." She sighed almost peacefully. Well, why the hell not? The mystery of the talking TV was solved. No one had been injured. No one had been abducted, either by aliens or frightening shadow factions. And while she still harbored some misgivings about ditching work, the thought of several hours of non-stop sex with her partner definitely merited serious consideration. Still, she couldn't resist one final comment. A last reminder of the changing status-quo. She tipped her chin up and looked at him, straight-faced. "All right, but you *do* realize this is a serious breach of protocol, right? I just want to hear you acknowledge that fact." He chuckled as he slipped an arm around her. "And making out in the back of an old rental car - what was that, doing it by the book? C'mon, we're off the clock. Protocol shmotocol. No one gives a shit what we do here." He had a point. What Skinner didn't know wouldn't kill him, at least in this instance. And it wasn't like the man didn't know how to keep a secret. Oh, he probably had his suspicions about them already, and this little jaunt would all but spell it out for him - still and all, as long as they didn't waltz into his office flashing identical hickeys, he'd have no real grounds to question them. Mulder was right, he probably wouldn't even ask where they'd spent the second night in a three-day case. And if he did .... well, they *did* investigate X-files. Missing time was something of the norm with them, right? He smiled when she melted into his embrace, one of her hands finding its way around his waist while the other caressed his flat belly. Mmm, was that a purr she heard? They looked up to find the clerk had returned and was watching them intently. Mulder flashed her a smile as he dropped the registration form over the counter and onto the desk before her. "Listen, we haven't eaten since breakfast. You don't happen to have room service here, do you?" Mitsi flashed him a predatory smile. "Sorry, sugar. Closest thing we have to room service 'round these parts is me." She winked playfully. "But if it's food y'all want, the restaurant across the parking lot is open twenty-four, seven." He started to reply, but when Scully unceremoniously cupped his testicles through the thin material of his trousers, he shut hismouth with an audible snap. A gentle squeeze elicited a strangled sound from him, and he struggled for a moment to form words. "Guess that'll have to do," he managed, his voice catching as she slowly fondled him. She wasn't terribly surprised when he caught her wrist and pressed himself into her hand. A wicked gleam appeared in his eyes. "Right now I'm more interested in a shower. How about you, honey?" Scully shrugged and nodded, her expression carefully bland, her tone detached. "Whatever you say, sweetheart." Mitsi smirked at her as she handed him his credit card and a red plastic keyring. "Lemme know if y'all need anything, Mr. Hale. Hope you enjoy your stay with us." Scully shot her a withering look. "Thank you .... *we* will." He picked up their satchels, then ushered her out into the warm afternoon sun. "She was nice, wasn't she? Not often you meet someone with that name." Scully merely looked at him, one eyebrow on the rise. He grinned and shrugged. "All right, so she's a flirt. So what? You did all right. One thing I really like about you, Scully - you've never been one to equivocate." She huffed softly as she took her case from him. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr. *Hale*. Admit it - you've been holding out on me." He chuckled at that, but she saw that he also had the good grace to appear chagrined. "Okay, so maybe I should have told you sooner. A couple months ago Melvin hacked into the Craddock Marine mainframe and set up accounts for me under .... well, you know who. Don't worry, everything's legit. Credit, debit, ATM ...." She struggled not to smile. "Legit and legal aren't interchangeable terms. I'm sure you appreciate that fact." He pulled her to a stop and dipped his head to kiss her. "Potato, potahto. No one cares just so long as they get their money." "Yes, but - " Mmm, another kiss, this time with a hand in her hair. He was getting serious and they hadn't even made it to their room yet. Thoughts of their backseat interlude flashed in her mind, and a stab of weakness almost buckled her knees. Oh, the hell with all of them. The hell with Skinner and Frohike and the idiots in Accounting. The hell with George Hale, too. She sighed at Mulder's gentle assault. Warm fingers caressed the back of her neck. Those lips, the ones she found herself dreaming about more and more these days, were soft and inviting. His tongue swept over hers, a warm, welcome visitor. Oh, yes. Hello, Mr. Hale or Mr. Mulder or whatever you want to be called. Please, do make yourself at home. Stay a while. A long while. He drew back and looked at her with smoldering eyes. "Preview of coming. C'mon, I wasn't kidding about that shower. Then we should get something to eat. And then ...." She fell back a step and watched him unlock the door to their room. He grinned over his shoulder at her. Hot and rumpled, smelling of sweat and old cologne and car exhaust .... He was hers. Hers. With a soft grunt, he gave the door a shove and propped it open with his foot. If her scrutiny surprised him, he didn't show it. "Are you coming, Mrs. Hale?" She smiled as she took the proffered hand. "Guess that's up to you, isn't it, Mr. Hale?" ~~~~ end ~~~~